Well, this is my fifth day home from school, I'll be going back tomorrow, but I'm bored as hell and it's only 10:00am... Anyone have any ideas for me? lol.
On another note, I've been learning myself some actionscript the past week and with help from the NG BBS, this is what I've been able to put together in the past few days: Clicky
Arrow Keys- Move
Tap 'Up" Twice- Double Jump
That's all he does at the moment. I'm going to try to get the background I made (the hills/trees/houses) to move a bit when the character moves to give a sense of depth, but I'm not sure how. I know the code and all...but not how to make it bug proof...it's tough to explain. Then I'm gonna work on adding "coins" and whatnot, some health, score...etc. Once it's all pretty and ironed out, I'll start with AI, but since I'm still new at AS, it's gonna be real tough.
Anyway...waddaya think, lol?
nice platform